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If you want a great sales team you need great training

How about a free 60 minute sales review?

Let’s talk about free sales advice! It is a universal truth that for a business to succeed and grow it needs to drive that success with sales. The problem is that when you are managing a sales team, or running a business, you often get so tied up in the day to day challenges that you can’t quite see what is needed. You are too close, too familiar with things, maybe even to frustrated, to see what needs to be done.
That is where my free 60 minute sales process review could make all the difference.

It was a great pleasure to gather our team to attend the latest Professional Sales Training with Julie. Engaging, informative and always something to learn, even after 20+ years in the business there's always room for improvements. Thank you Julie for a fantastic couple of days.

Do you know something needs to change in your sales process, but you’re unsure what that is?

Sales growth is a difficult task for many businesses… but it shouldn’t be. I often hear from managers who know they have a good sales team in place, and they are 100% sure they have a great product, but they don’t know why things just don’t seem to be firing. In other cases, I get calls from business owners who have just gotten too close to see the problems and need some outside expert advice to help clarify things.

Whatever the reason for contacting me, I am here to help you see what is needed to get those sales moving. The first step on that road is to click on the button and book your free sales review. That click will give you an hour with someone who has the experience and understanding to be the catalyst that triggers the sales development you want to happen.

rocketSchedule now!

In your free 60-minute consultation, I will start by getting to know you and what you want to achieve. Then, together, we will take a walk around your current sales processes to find your key focus areas. Every business is different so what we discuss will depend on your needs, but usually, we will be looking for opportunities to improve in areas such as:

  • Where are your strengths and how do we make more of them?
  • Are your team recognising the upsell and cross-sell opportunities?
  • Is your team ready to fuel your growth or do they need training and/or development?
  • Are your processes supporting or hindering your sales?
  • Is your customer journey working for them (and you)?
  • Are you selling to the right target market, and do you know their pain points, their needs and what they want from you?
  • Do you have a strategy and if you do, is it working for you?

The important thing is that we will look at what you can do to make things happen when it comes to reaching your sales goals.

Maybe you are looking to build, maybe you are ready to expand and want your team to bring in more business, or maybe you are tearing your hair out with frustration and at a loss as to what to do next. Whatever your situation, an hour of free sales advice will be a real eye-opener.

Click the button and let’s chat about sales.

rocketSchedule now!

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