Hi everybody, Julie here, the Sales Ace - bringing you another sales tip to help Skyrocket your business.
So this week I have mostly been on holiday and I'm not telling you that to brag (and I did have a good time by the way) but I'm telling you this because it is actually a really, really good sales tip.
You need to take a break and you need to take a holiday! On the run-up to my holiday (I had 10 days away) I'd noticed that everything that I was doing was taking a longer time than normal.
Everything seemed a chore. I wasn't enjoying it. I was just really tired, and taking 10 days away with my little caravan, with some friends and Alfie my dog and having a really, really good rest recharged the batteries: we walked in forests, sat on beaches, ate too much, drank too much: loved it!
But the upside of that is coming back into the office on Monday, I have a renewed vigour, I have a new energy, things aren't taking as long… Laura-Anne who produces these videos is getting the video on time. She’s silently cheering in the background at this point.
So, I think I know I've said this before, but I really wanted to sort of take the time out to say, you need a holiday, you need to take a break, schedule it in the diary, pencil it in - well, don’t pencil it in, put it in great big biro and work your year around it.
I plan mine in January of the year so that I make sure that I take it and book things. And that way, it will actually happen and you'll be absolutely surprised how well you feel, and how better you are able to run your business and be more effective in your business.
So there you go, that's the tip for this week!
Looking forward to catching up with you next week.