Hi, everybody, Julie here from The Sales Ace, bringing you another sales tip to help skyrocket your business.
So today, this one I'm going to entitle “salespeople need love too”. And the reason I'm choosing to talk about this today is that I read a really interesting blog from HubSpot, talking about how mood can impact sales performance. And I found these stats really interesting.
According to HubSpot, sales teams with high morale are 21 per cent more profitable and 17 per cent more productive, and highly engaged salespeople achieve a 20 per cent increase in sales.
Really, really interesting stats.
There were three elements that this blog talks about that attribute to this. Some things were burnout/stress, ineffective sales training, and also toxic work environments.
So let's talk a little bit about burnout and stress. Yes, sales is a stressful role. But as a business owner, what can you do to help alleviate that a little bit? The blog gave some really good ideas around team building exercises, and looking at other ways to drive performance rather than beating somebody all the time with “closing, closing, closing, closing”, because that can affect morale.
Now, ineffective sales training. I absolutely see from working with my clients that have numbers of salespeople, how that when we've done some training the morale just lifts.
They have a skip in their step, and even highly experienced salespeople turn to me and say, “Julie, I’ve loved this, because I've forgotten some things.”
So we see an increase in sales when that happens, and it's been proven time and time again.
And let's talk about toxic work environments. Well, I think now we're working in a world where working from home is something that people are more able to do. So hopefully, if you can offer that to your salespeople, it’ll help.
Look at the work environment that you've got for your salespeople. I'm doing a piece of recruitment at the moment for a company that has really seriously looked at their working environment for people in the offices.
They're putting in recreation rooms, and offering free breakfasts, and things that allow people to just chill out a little bit, gather their thoughts and go back to work because that particular company had recognised that the environment is important for people's moods.
So hopefully, this has given you a little bit of food for thought. And again, happy salespeople and motivated salespeople: they're going to do more for you in your business.
So that's it for this week. I hope you've enjoyed it.
And as I've said, we will put a little link into this, my lovely Laura-Anne Williams, who does my social media, will do the fandangled thing on this. It might even be at the bottom of the page. I don't know. I'm gonna leave that to Laura-Anne!
But there will be a link so you can actually read that whole blog.
Hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you soon!